Carbon Mono Oxide Meter

Carbon Mono Oxide Meter

The Carbon Monoxide Meter Detects the Presence of carbon Monoxide (Co) and Measures concentration between 1-1000 parts per million (PPM).

The Meter indicates the presence of carbon monoxide in two ways:

  • By a reading on the LCD in PPM.

  • By a beeper tone.

Maximum Data Mode : In this mode, LCD display the max. data of this measurement.

Recall Data Mode : In this mode, LCD displays the stored data. Press SEL button can recall next stored data

Recall Alarm Mode : Press Mode button again to enter this mode, the LCD displays the alarm data -30ppm. When the measuring data is more than 30ppm and less than 200ppm, the meter will warm with discontinuity beeper, when the measuring datum is over 200ppm, the unit will warm with continuity beeper.

In both cases, the alarm light glows with red light.

Measuring Time Mode : Entering this mode, you can read the measuring time on the LCD.