

Required in Public Health Depths., Water Testing Labs, swimming pools, Industrial Labs to check chlorine contents in water. The easy procedure and steps to check chlorine makes it efficient and effective in use. Application: To check the residual chlorine in drinking water from 0.25 p.p.m. to 2.0 p.p.m.


  • Take test tube fill water sample to be tested upto 5 ml. Mark.

  • Add 1 to 2 drop of O-Toludine solution into the sample with the help of dropper.

  • Shake well and keep the tube for ten minutes to develop the color. Compare the developed color with Choloroscope

  • As soon as color is developed match the color by inserting the tube in 1st or 2nd or 3rd hole and examine from color standard and note down the reading of same from PPM scale marked in front of chloroscope.

  • When testing is completed, pour out the sample, clean the tube with fresh water and with the help of cleaning brush